Partners & Donors

We interact with a wide range of people, organisations and groups for a variety of reasons.  The common theme is that each of these has committed either time, energy or funding to the work we do to promote the well-being of the village and its residents.  We make a full account of these in the reports which Trustees compile annually for the Annual General meeting.

We are extremely grateful for all donations however small from members, local businesses and others to support core funds or specific projects.  Collectively these make a huge difference to what we can achieve. If you wish to make a donation, please visit the membership and donations tab.

Lanchester Parish Council

The Partnership has a particularly close relationship with Lanchester Parish Council.

  • From 2000 The Lanchester Partnership supported the implementation of the Parish Appraisal in several aspects including flooding mitigation, the provision of play areas, village centre parking and facilities, the Lanchester Community Heritage Audit and the provision of youth activities
  • From 2014 members of Lanchester Partnership were very active in the development of the Lanchester Neighbourhood Plan culminating in its approval by Durham County Council on 23 June 2021, following a referendum
  • Lanchester Partnership is very grateful to the Parish Council for its financial support for village events it helps to organise on behalf of residents. Most recently these have included:
    • The livestreaming of the switch on of the Christmas lights (December 2020,2021)
    • The Santa Stroll visiting all streets in the Village (December 2020, 2021)
    • Support for the Big Jubilee Picnic (June 2022)

Durham County Council and Mid Durham Area Action Partnership

We communicate with County Councillors with the aim of gaining support for projects and issues which are relevant to the village community. In many cases this has resulted in funding support which is delivered through Mid Durham Area Action Partnership.

Examples of recent funding achieved in this way has included:

  • Significant grants for the Village Link Bus
  • Litter picking equipment
  • Jubilee funding for the Big Jubilee Picnic (June 2022)